In this unusually short article, we’re going to go over the names of the most common plants in Spanish. Including flower, tree, crop, and household plant names.
If there is anything that you think should be added to this list to make it even more helpful, shoot me your suggestion in the comments or to my email, and I’d love to include your idea!
Without any further ado, let’s take a look at the most common plant names in Spanish!
Common Flower Names In Spanish
Chamomile - La manzanilla
Roses - Las rosas
Daisies - Las margaritas
Tulips - Los tulipanes
Sunflowers - Los girasoles
Lilies - Los lirios
Daffodils - Los larcisos
Lavender - La lavanda
Orchids - Las orquÃdeas
Boquet - El ramo
Lotus - El loto
Jasmine - El jazmÃn
Common Tree Names In Spanish
Oak - El roble
Pine - El pino
Maple - El arce
Birch - El abedul
Cedar - El cedro
Spruce - El abeto
Willow - El sauce
Palm - La palmera
Redwood - La secuoya
Cherry - El cerezo
Commonly Cultivated Plants
Tomato - El tomate
Wheat - El trigo
Corn - El maÃz
Rice - El arroz
Potato - La patata
Carrot - La zanahoria
Cucumber - El pepino
Lettuce - La lechuga
Apple - La manzana
Grapes - La uva
Strawberry - La fresa
Cotton - El algodón
Soybean - El grano de soja
Olive - La aceituna
Bamboo - El bambú
Crops - La cosecha
Common Household Plants
Spider Plant - La planta araña
Aloe Vera - La sábila
Rubber Plant - Planta de caucho
Succulents - La suculenta
Boston Fern - Helecho de Boston
Bamboo Palm - Palma de bambú